Education Begins at Home Children's Education Begins at Home

children's education is as important as school. father mother do not forget that the most important lesson in the can as a child is a child of parents in the home environment. recorded in history that when a child is abused in front Diogebes, a famous Greek philosopher Diogenes struck the child, not the child. ketahulah if your child does not grow well and without education, it is your responsibility as a parent, not a system error or a factor other educators. fulfill the right of your child's learning by encouraging them to read books. book not only to do schoolwork, but also to build their character. assist them to read books, read books when children can not read. It will add to his vocabulary, a newborn baby and parents regularly read to the time he learned to recognize the voice that read the book and compare it with an unusual child read a book with the same age your child is able to argue according to their knowledge and by the number of vocabulary more. good luck:)

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