Prove the mother's love

Children can not feel and enjoy the love and affection of parents, an example is the story of a mother who complained that her son did not want to petrify or clean up items that he had used that eventually Causes non rukunan between mother and child because when the mother faced a difficult child to the invited to work together when the mother's mother would emmuncak emotions that result the child was faced with the mother's emotional state as well, but when we encounter a child we have to deal with them gently. why it should be soft because the speech is a prayer when the parents are too cepan menfonis, naughty, lazy or other words that are negative, then in fact we educate children and pray for him to be so. and if so then it is mandatory parental love is questionable. make it a habit to talk to children using positive words, the example is when we see our active anaka running then we can say "road only" good luck. :)

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